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There are 9 nine-letter words containing TRIPL

STRIPLINGstripling n. (Archaic, also attributive, sometimes humorous) A young man in the state of adolescence, or just passing…
stripling n. (Horticulture) A seedling with most of the leaves stripped off.
Stripling prop.n. A surname.
TRIPLANEStriplanes n. Plural of triplane.
TRIPLANE n. a plane with three wings.
TRIPLEXEDtriplexed adj. Having a triplex arrangement.
TRIPLEX v. to provide something in triplicate.
TRIPLEXEStriplexes n. Plural of triplex.
TRIPLEX v. to provide something in triplicate.
TRIPLINGStriplings n. Plural of tripling.
TRIPLING n. the act of tripling.
TRIPLITEStriplites n. Plural of triplite.
TRIPLITE n. a fluorine-phosphorus compound of iron and manganese, of a dark brown color, generally with a fibrous, massive structure.
TRIPLOIDStriploids n. Plural of triploid.
TRIPLOID n. a cell having three times the haploid number of chromosomes.
TRIPLOIDYtriploidy n. (Uncountable, genetics) The state of being triploid, having three sets of chromosomes.
triploidy n. (Countable, genetics) An instance of being triploid.
TRIPLOIDY n. the condition of being triploid.
TRIPLYINGTRIPLY v. (Scots) in Scots law, to reply to a duply.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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