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There are 15 nine-letter words containing TOOTH

BUCKTOOTHbucktooth n. An upper tooth that protrudes further than the bottom teeth.
BUCKTOOTH n. any tooth that juts out.
FORETOOTHforetooth n. A front tooth.
FORETOOTH n. a front tooth.
TOOTHACHEtoothache n. (Medicine) A pain or ache in a tooth.
TOOTHACHE n. a pain in a tooth.
TOOTHCOMBtoothcomb n. (Britain, chiefly figurative, sometimes proscribed) A comb with finely spaced teeth, chiefly as a metaphorical…
toothcomb v. (Rare) To use a toothcomb on (something).
toothcomb v. (Figurative) To search (something) thoroughly.
TOOTHFISHtoothfish n. Any of the two fish species of the genus Dissostichus.
TOOTHFISH n. the Chilean sea bass.
TOOTHFULStoothfuls n. Plural of toothful.
TOOTHFUL n. a small drink of spirits.
TOOTHIESTtoothiest adj. Superlative form of toothy: most toothy.
TOOTHY adj. having prominent teeth.
TOOTHINGStoothings n. Plural of toothing.
TOOTHING n. using bluetooth via mobile phone to proposition for sex.
TOOTHLESStoothless adj. Having no teeth.
toothless adj. (Figuratively) Weak; having no ability to enforce something.
TOOTHLESS adj. without teeth.
TOOTHLIKEtoothlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a tooth.
TOOTHLIKE adj. like a tooth.
TOOTHPICKtoothpick n. A small, usually wooden, stick, often pointed at both ends, for removing food residue from between the teeth.
toothpick v. (Transitive) To spear (food) on a toothpick.
toothpick v. (Transitive) To transfer (A sample of bacteria, etc.) by means of a toothpick.
TOOTHSOMEtoothsome adj. Delicious.
toothsome adj. (By extension of sense 1, and by analogy to slang tasty) Sexually attractive.
toothsome adj. Having a pleasing texture when bitten.
TOOTHWASHtoothwash n. A lotion for cleaning or whitening the teeth.
TOOTHWASH n. a liquid preparation for cleaning the teeth.
TOOTHWORTtoothwort n. Any of several species of flowering plants, of the genus Lathraea.
toothwort n. Any of several species of plants in the former genus Dentaria (now considered part of the genus Cardamine).
TOOTHWORT n. a plant whose roots are fancied to resemble teeth, as certain plants of the genus Lathraea, and various species of Dentaria.
UNTOOTHEDuntoothed adj. Without teeth.
untoothed v. Simple past tense and past participle of untooth.
UNTOOTHED adj. not toothed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 58 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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