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There are 8 nine-letter words containing TOMET

ATTOMETERattometer n. US spelling of attometre.
atto-meter n. Alternative spelling of attometre.
ATTOMETER n. ten to the power of minus eighteen metres, also ATTOMETRE.
ATTOMETREattometre n. (Metrology) An SI unit of length equal to 10-18 metres. Symbol: am.
ATTOMETRE n. ten to the power of minus eighteen metres, also ATTOMETER.
AUTOMETERAUTOMETER n. a small device fitted into a photocopier to count the number of copies made.
CYTOMETERcytometer n. A graduated microscope slide or similar small vessel used for counting or measuring cells.
cytometer n. An automated device used for the same purpose.
CYTOMETER n. an instrument for counting cells.
CYTOMETRYcytometry n. (Biology) The measurement or the counting and classification of cells.
CYTOMETRY n. the counting of cells.
OPTOMETERoptometer n. An instrument for measuring the focus of the lens of the eye.
OPTOMETER n. an instrument for testing vision.
OPTOMETRYoptometry n. The art and science of vision and eye care.
OPTOMETRY n. the science of vision and eye-care.
POTOMETERpotometer n. A device used for measuring the rate of water uptake of a leafy shoot due to photosynthesis and transpiration.
POTOMETER n. an instrument measuring the rate at which plants absorb water.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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