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There are 7 nine-letter words containing TINOI

ACTINOIDSactinoids n. Plural of actinoid.
ACTINOID n. any element of a group from element number 89 (actinium) upwards, also ACTINIDE.
ANTINOISEantinoise adj. Intended to reduce environmental noise.
antinoise adj. Capable of neutralizing a noise.
antinoise n. A sound wave, of the same amplitude but of opposite phase to that of an unwanted sound, that can neutralize…
CHITINOIDchitinoid adj. Resembling chitin.
CHITINOID adj. of or like chitin, also CHITINOUS.
CRETINOIDcretinoid adj. Of, pertaining to, or afflicted with cretinism.
cretinoid n. An individual who is afflicted with cretinism.
CRETINOID adj. resembling a cretin.
PLATINOIDplatinoid adj. Of or resembling platinum.
platinoid n. (Chemistry) Any of several metals that resemble platinum in their chemistry; especially osmium, iridium and palladium.
platinoid n. An alloy of copper, nickel, tungsten, and zinc once used in heating elements.
RETINOIDSretinoids n. Plural of retinoid.
RETINOID n. a compound analogous to vitamin A.
TRETINOINtretinoin n. (Pharmacology) The all-trans isomer of retinoic acid that is applied to the skin to treat severe acne…
TRETINOIN n. a synthetic form of vitamin A used as a drug to treat certain skin conditions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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