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There are 11 nine-letter words containing TICID

FETICIDALfeticidal adj. Killing a fetus.
FETICIDAL adj. relating to the killing of a fetus.
FETICIDESfeticides n. Plural of feticide.
FETICIDE n. the killing of a fetus.
FOETICIDEfoeticide n. Alternative form of feticide.
fœticide n. Archaic form of foeticide.
FOETICIDE n. the killing of a foetus, also FETICIDE.
MENTICIDEmenticide n. Brain-washing, conditioning people to abandon their beliefs.
menticide n. Efforts to destroy the mind or the will of an individual or group of people.
MENTICIDE n. the systematic undermining of a person's beliefs, attitudes, and values.
MITICIDALmiticidal adj. Having the effect of killing mites.
MITICIDAL adj. relating to a miticide, an agent which kills mites.
MITICIDESmiticides n. Plural of miticide.
MITICIDE n. a substance used to kill mites.
MULTICIDEmulticide n. The killing of multiple people; mass murder or serial killing.
MULTICIDE n. mass murder.
PESTICIDEpesticide n. Anything, especially a synthetic substance but also any substance (e.g. sulfur), or virus, bacterium…
PESTICIDE n. a substance for killing pests.
RATICIDESraticides n. Plural of raticide.
RATICIDE n. a substance for killing rats.
VATICIDESvaticides n. Plural of vaticide.
VATICIDE n. the killing of a prophet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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