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There are 10 nine-letter words containing TELLI

HOTELLINGhotelling n. The short-term provision of office space to workers who either are temporary or usually work elsewhere.
HOTELLING n. (in an office where hot-desking is practised) the advance booking of a desk by an employee, also HOTELING.
RETELLINGretelling v. Present participle of retell.
retelling n. A new, changed, or adapted version of a story.
RETELLING n. the act of retelling.
SATELLITEsatellite n. A moon or other smaller body orbiting a larger one.
satellite n. A man-made apparatus designed to be placed in orbit around a celestial body, generally to relay information…
satellite n. A country, state, office, building etc. which is under the jurisdiction, influence, or domination of another body.
STELLIONSstellions n. Plural of stellion.
STELLION n. (Latin) an East Mediterranean lizard with starry spots, also STELLIO.
STELLITESstellites n. Plural of stellite.
STELLITE n. a cobalt-base alloy with chromium and other metals, used to make cutting tools and for surfaces subject to heavy wear.
TELLINGLYtellingly adv. In a telling manner; convincingly.
TELLING adv. effective; significant, meaningful.
TELLINOIDTELLINOID adj. like a tellin, a kind of marine shell.
TORTELLISTORTELLI n. (Italian) small pasta parcels stuffed with meat, cheese or vegetables, also TORTELLINI.
VITELLINEvitelline adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling the yolk of an egg.
vitelline n. (Anatomy) A terminal branch of any of the main arteries connecting the aorta to the yolk sac.
VITELLINE n. a vitellus, a membrane surrounding the yolk of an egg.
VITELLINSvitellins n. Plural of vitellin.
VITELLIN n. a protein found in egg yolk.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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