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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing TENER

BATTENERbattener n. One who battens or feasts.
BATTENER n. one who battens.
FASTENERfastener n. Something or someone that fastens.
fastener n. Mechanically, any device that fastens; especially, a collective term for items such as screws, nuts…
FASTENER n. something that fastens.
FATTENERfattener n. One who fattens.
FATTENER n. one that fattens.
HASTENERhastener n. Agent noun of hasten; one who hastens.
hastener n. A stand or reflector used for confining the heat of the fire to meat while roasting before it.
HASTENER n. one who hastens.
LISTENERlistener n. Someone who listens, especially to a speech or a broadcast.
listener n. (Computing, programming, chiefly Java) A function that runs in response to an event; an event handler.
listener n. (Slang) A person’s ear.
RATTENERrattener n. (Rare) Alternative form of ratter (“traitor”).
RATTENER n. one who rattens, compels obedience to a trade union by damaging or depriving of machinery, tools, etc.
ROTTENERrottener adj. Comparative form of rotten: more rotten.
ROTTEN adj. very bad, rotted, also RATTON, ROTTAN.
SOFTENERsoftener n. One who, or that which, softens.
SOFTENER n. one that softens.
WHITENERwhitener n. Any substance used to whiten something; a bleach.
whitener n. A person employed to whiten or bleach.
whitener n. (Canada) A powder added to tea or coffee in place of milk. A "non-dairy creamer".

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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