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There are 14 fifteen-letter words containing TROPI

ANISOTROPICALLYanisotropically adv. In an anisotropic manner; in such a way as to depend upon direction.
ANISOTROPIC adv. not having the same properties in every direction.
APHELIOTROPISMSAPHELIOTROPISM n. growth away from the sun.
CHEMOTROPICALLYchemotropically adv. In a chemotropic manner.
CHEMOTROPIC adv. exhibiting chemotropism, i.e. plant growth in the direction of a particular chemical.
DIAHELIOTROPISMdiaheliotropism n. (Botany) A tendency of leaves or other plant organs to have their dorsal surface facing towards the rays of light.
DIAHELIOTROPISM n. the state of being diaheliotropic, turning transversely to the light.
DIAPHOTOTROPIESDIAPHOTOTROPY n. the state of being diaphototropic, turning transversely to the light.
DIAPHOTOTROPISMDIAPHOTOTROPISM n. the state of being diaphototropic, turning transversely to the light.
GALVANOTROPISMSGALVANOTROPISM n. the directional growth of an organism, esp. a plant, in response to an electrical stimulus.
HELIOTROPICALLYheliotropically adv. In a heliotropic manner.
HELIOTROPICAL adv. turning towards the sun, also HELIOTROPIC.
HYDROTROPICALLYhydrotropically adv. In a hydrotropic manner.
HYDROTROPIC adv. exhibiting hydrotropism, i.e. growth in the direction of water.
HYPERMETROPICALhypermetropical adj. Synonym of hypermetropic.
PARAHELIOTROPICparaheliotropic adj. Relating to paraheliotropism.
PARAHELIOTROPIC adj. turning edgewise to the light.
PHOTOTROPICALLYphototropically adv. In a phototropic manner.
PHOTOTROPIC adv. relating to phototropism, movement directed by light.
TROPICALISATIONtropicalisation n. Alternative form of tropicalization.
TROPICALISATION n. the process of tropicalising, also TROPICALIZATION.
TROPICALIZATIONtropicalization n. The process of tropicalizing.
tropicalization n. (Mathematics) Conversion to tropical form.
TROPICALIZATION n. the process of tropicalizing, also TROPICALISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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