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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing TUATI

EVENTUATINGeventuating v. Present participle of eventuate.
EVENTUATE v. to turn out.
EVENTUATIONeventuation n. The act of eventuating or happening as a result; the outcome.
EVENTUATION n. the act of eventuating.
FLUCTUATINGfluctuating v. Present participle of fluctuate.
fluctuating adj. Subject to irregular changes in quantity or quality.
fluctuating n. A fluctuation.
FLUCTUATIONfluctuation n. A motion like that of waves; a moving in this and that direction.
fluctuation n. A wavering; unsteadiness.
fluctuation n. In medicine, a wave-like motion or undulation of a fluid in a natural or abnormal cavity (e.g. pus in…
FRUCTUATINGfructuating v. Present participle of fructuate.
FRUCTUATE v. to come to fruit, to fructify.
FRUCTUATIONfructuation n. (Archaic) produce; fruit.
FRUCTUATION n. coming to fruit or bearing of fruit.
HABITUATINGhabituating v. Present participle of habituate.
habituating adj. Habit-forming.
HABITUATE v. to accustom to.
HABITUATIONhabituation n. The act of habituating, or accustoming; the state of being habituated.
habituation n. (Psychology) The process of becoming accustomed to an internal or external stimulus, such as a noxious…
HABITUATION n. the process of habituating.
INFATUATINGinfatuating v. Present participle of infatuate.
INFATUATE v. to inspire with foolish or unreasoning passion.
INFATUATIONinfatuation n. An immensely strong love or sexual attraction.
infatuation n. (Obsolete) The act of infatuating; the state of being infatuated; madness.
infatuation n. Something which infatuates.
PUNCTUATINGpunctuating v. Present participle of punctuate.
PUNCTUATE v. to mark with points; to mark a piece of writing with commas, full stops etc.
PUNCTUATIONpunctuation n. A set of symbols and marks which are used to clarify meaning in text by separating strings of words…
punctuation n. An act of punctuating.
PUNCTUATION n. the act of punctuating.
PUNCTUATIVEpunctuative adj. Suggesting or pertaining to punctuation.
PUNCTUATIVE adj. relating to punctuation.
REACTUATINGreactuating v. Present participle of reactuate.
REACTUATE v. to actuate again.
RESITUATINGresituating v. Present participle of resituate.
RESITUATE v. to situate again.
SITUATIONALsituational adj. Of or pertaining to a particular situation or situations in general.
SITUATIONAL adj. of, relating to, or appropriate to a situation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 25 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 14 words

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