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There are 15 ten-letter words containing TOMIC

ANATOMICALanatomical adj. Of or relating to anatomy or dissection.
ANATOMICAL adj. relating to anatomy, also ANATOMIC.
ATOMICALLYatomically adv. With regard to atoms or atomic energy.
ATOMICAL adv. relating to an atom.
CYCLOTOMICcyclotomic adj. Of, or relating to cyclotomy.
cyclotomic adj. (Mathematics) of, or relating to the complex roots of unity.
CYCLOTOMIC adj. a mathematical term relating to a polynomial.
DERMATOMICdermatomic adj. Synonym of dermatomal.
DERMATOMIC adj. relating to a dermatome, the lateral wall of a somite from which the dermis is produced.
DICHOTOMICdichotomic adj. In the form of a dichotomy; dichotomous.
dichotomic adj. (Computing) Choosing between two antithetical choices, between two distinct alternatives. Classification…
dichotomic adj. (Botany) That system of classification which pertains to two opposite criteria.
EPITOMICALepitomical adj. Epitomic.
EPITOMICAL adj. of or like an epitome, also EPITOMIC.
LITHOTOMIClithotomic adj. Relating to, or performed by, lithotomy.
LITHOTOMIC adj. relating to lithotomy, the surgical removal of stones from bodily organs, also LITHOTOMICAL.
MICROTOMICmicrotomic adj. Relating to the microtome or microtomy.
MICROTOMIC adj. of or like a microtome, also MICROTOMICAL.
MONOATOMICmonoatomic adj. Alternative form of monatomic.
MONOATOMIC adj. of a molecule, consisting of one atom only, also MONATOMIC.
PENTATOMICpentatomic adj. (Chemistry) Having five atoms in each molecule.
pentatomic adj. (Chemistry) Having five hydrogen atoms capable of substitution.
PENTATOMIC adj. having five atoms in the molecule.
POLYATOMICpolyatomic adj. (Chemistry) (of a molecule or ion) Consisting of three or more atoms.
POLYATOMIC adj. having many atoms, multivalent.
POSTATOMICpostatomic adj. After the discovery or use of the atomic bomb.
POSTATOMIC adj. taking place after the atomic era.
SUBATOMICSsubatomics n. The study of physics at a subatomic level.
SUBATOMICS n. the study of subatomic particles.
TETRATOMICtetratomic adj. (Chemistry, of a molecule etc.) Consisting of four atoms.
TETRATOMIC adj. consisting of four atoms; having four atoms in the molecule, as phosphorus and arsenic.
ZOOTOMICALzootomical adj. Pertaining to zootomy, the dissection of animals.
ZOOTOMICAL adj. relating to zootomy, the dissection of animals, also ZOOTOMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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