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There are 11 ten-letter words containing TENAN

HOOTENANNYhootenanny n. (Music) An informal, festive performance by folk singers, often including audience participation with…
hootenanny n. (Obsolete) A placeholder word for a nonspecific or forgotten thing.
HOOTENANNY n. (US) a party with folksinging and sometimes dancing, also HOOTANANNIE, HOOTANANNY, HOOTENANNIE, HOOTNANNIE, HOOTNANNY.
LIEUTENANTlieutenant n. (Military) The lowest Junior Commissioned Officer rank(s) in many military forces, often Army and Marines.
lieutenant n. A person who manages or executes the plans and directives of another, more senior person - i.e. a manager…
lieutenant n. The second-in-command (2IC) of a group.
PURTENANCEpurtenance n. (Obsolete) That which pertains or belongs to something.
purtenance n. (Obsolete) The heart, liver, and lungs of an animal.
PURTENANCE n. (obsolete) something which pertains or belongs; the guts, esp. of an animal.
SUBTENANCYsubtenancy n. (Property law) Synonym of sublease.
SUBTENANCY n. the state of being a subtenant, one who rents a tenement, or land, etc.
SUBTENANTSsubtenants n. Plural of subtenant.
subtenants v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of subtenant.
sub-tenants n. Plural of sub-tenant.
SUSTENANCEsustenance n. Something that provides support or nourishment.
SUSTENANCE n. nourishment.
TENANTABLEtenantable adj. (Of a property) Fit to be rented; in a condition suitable for a tenant.
TENANTABLE adj. fit to be rented; in a condition suitable for a tenant.
TENANTLESStenantless adj. Lacking a tenant; unoccupied.
TENANTLESS adj. without a tenant.
TENANTRIEStenantries n. Plural of tenantry.
TENANTRY n. the temporary occupancy of something that belongs to another, also TENANCY.
TENANTSHIPtenantship n. Tenancy.
TENANTSHIP n. the state of being a tenant.
UNTENANTEDuntenanted adj. Not leased to or occupied by a tenant; unoccupied.
UNTENANT v. to deprive of a tenant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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