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There are 10 words containing TYLY

HOMOSTYLYhomostyly n. (Botany) The condition of being homostylous.
HOMOSTYLY n. in flowers, the existence of styles of only one length.
SYNDACTYLYsyndactyly n. (Biology) The normal condition, in some animals and birds, of having fused digits.
syndactyly n. (Teratology) The anomalous condition, in humans, of having some fingers or toes fused with a web.
SYNDACTYLY n. the state of being syndactyl, with digits joined together.
HETEROSTYLYheterostyly n. (Botany) The condition of having unequal styles.
HETEROSTYLY n. the state of having styles of different length in different flowers, also HETEROSTYLISM.
POLYDACTYLYpolydactyly n. (Teratology) A condition in which a person or animal has more than the usual number of digits (fingers…
POLYDACTYLY n. the state of being polydactyl, having too many fingers or toes.
ENANTIOSTYLYenantiostyly n. (Botany) The condition in which the gynoecium protrudes laterally, either to the right or to the left…
ENANTIOSTYLY n. a dimorphous condition in which the style projects at one side or the other in different flowers.
HYPERDACTYLYhyperdactyly n. (Pathology) polydactyly.
HYPERDACTYLY n. the state of having more than five fingers and toes.
MACRODACTYLYmacrodactyly n. Localized gigantism in fingers or toes.
MACRODACTYLY n. the condition of being macrodactylous, having large fingers.
PENTADACTYLYpentadactyly n. The condition of having five digits (fingers or toes) on a limb.
PENTADACTYLY n. the state of being pentadactyl, having five fingers.
TETRADACTYLYtetradactyly n. (Anatomy) The condition of having four digits on a limb, as in many amphibians, birds, and theropods.
TETRADACTYLY n. the state of being a tetradactyl, a four-toed animal.
BRACHYDACTYLYbrachydactyly n. (Pathology) Abnormal shortness of the fingers or toes.
BRACHYDACTYLY n. abnormal shortness of fingers and toes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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