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There are 14 words containing TIDO

ANTIDOGMATICantidogmatic adj. Opposed to dogma.
ANTIDOGMATIC adj. opposed to dogma.
ANTIDORAantidora n. Plural of antidoron.
ANTIDORON n. (Latin) the unconsecrated bread remaining after the Eucharistic Liturgy, blessed by the priests and given to noncommunicants as well as communicants.
ANTIDORONantidoron n. (Christianity, Eastern Orthodoxy, Eastern Catholicism) A piece of ordinary leavened bread, taken from…
ANTIDORON n. (Latin) the unconsecrated bread remaining after the Eucharistic Liturgy, blessed by the priests and given to noncommunicants as well as communicants.
ANTIDOTALantidotal adj. (Pharmacology) Relating to or being an antidote.
ANTIDOTAL adj. having the quality of an antidote.
ANTIDOTALLYantidotally adv. As an antidote.
ANTIDOTAL adv. having the quality of an antidote.
ANTIDOTEantidote n. A remedy to counteract the effects of poison.
antidote n. (Figurative) Something that counteracts or prevents something harmful.
antidote v. (Transitive) To counteract as an antidote.
ANTIDOTEDantidoted v. Simple past tense and past participle of antidote.
ANTIDOTE v. to counteract poison.
ANTIDOTESantidotes n. Plural of antidote.
ANTIDOTE v. to counteract poison.
ANTIDOTINGantidoting v. Present participle of antidote.
ANTIDOTE v. to counteract poison.
MULTIDOMAINmultidomain adj. Of, pertaining to, or acting across multiple domains.
MULTIDOMAIN adj. having many domains.
PEPTIDOGLYCANpeptidoglycan n. (Biochemistry) A polymer of glycan and peptides found in bacterial cell walls.
PEPTIDOGLYCAN n. a polymer in the cell walls of procaryotes.
PEPTIDOGLYCANSpeptidoglycans n. Plural of peptidoglycan.
PEPTIDOGLYCAN n. a polymer in the cell walls of procaryotes.
RHYTIDOMErhytidome n. (Botany) The dead layers of plant bark (undergoing or having undergone secondary growth) external to…
RHYTIDOME n. the bark external to the last formed periderm.
RHYTIDOMESrhytidomes n. Plural of rhytidome.
RHYTIDOME n. the bark external to the last formed periderm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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