MULTIBAND | • multiband adj. Having or employing multiple bands, especially frequency bands. • MULTIBAND adj. having many bands. |
MULTIBANK | • multibank adj. Of or pertaining to more than one bank (financial institution). • MULTIBANK adj. comprising many banks. |
ANTIBARYON | • antibaryon n. (Physics) The antiparticle corresponding to a baryon. • ANTIBARYON n. an antiparticle to the baryon. |
ANTIBACCHII | • ANTIBACCHIUS n. (Latin) a foot of two long (or stressed) syllables followed by a short (or unstressed) one. |
ANTIBARYONS | • antibaryons n. Plural of antibaryon. • ANTIBARYON n. an antiparticle to the baryon. |
MULTIBARREL | • multibarrel adj. Having more than one barrel. • MULTIBARREL n. a gun with many barrels. |
ANTIBACCHIUS | • antibacchius n. (Poetry) A rare metrical foot consisting of two accented syllables followed by one unaccented syllable. • ANTIBACCHIUS n. (Latin) a foot of two long (or stressed) syllables followed by a short (or unstressed) one. |
ANTIBACKLASH | • antibacklash adj. (Mechanics) Countering or preventing backlash (jarring reflex motion in machinery). • ANTIBACKLASH adj. arising in opposition to a backlash. |
ANTIBARBARUS | • antibarbarus n. A dictionary of linguistic barbarisms; a book describing how not to write in a given language. • ANTIBARBARUS n. a list of words and sayings to be avoided in the classical usage of a language. |
MULTIBARRELS | • MULTIBARREL n. a gun with many barrels. |
ANTIBACTERIAL | • antibacterial adj. (Pharmacology) Killing or inhibiting bacteria. • antibacterial adj. (Archaic) Opposing the theory that diseases are caused by bacteria. • antibacterial n. (Pharmacology) A drug having the effect of killing or inhibiting bacteria. |
ANTIBALLISTIC | • antiballistic adj. (Military, of a missile, or system) designed to detect, intercept, and destroy a ballistic missile in flight. • ANTIBALLISTIC adj. of a missile, etc., designed to destroy a ballistic missile. |
MULTIBARRELED | • multibarreled adj. Having more than one barrel. • MULTIBARRELED adj. of a gun, having many barrels, also MULTIBARRELLED. |
ANTIBACTERIALS | • antibacterials n. Plural of antibacterial. • ANTIBACTERIAL n. a substance used to kill bacteria. |
ANTIBARBARUSES | • ANTIBARBARUS n. a list of words and sayings to be avoided in the classical usage of a language. |
MULTIBARRELLED | • multibarrelled adj. Having more than one barrel. • MULTIBARRELLED adj. of a gun, having many barrels, also MULTIBARRELED. |