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There are 10 words containing TETE

ASYNARTETEasynartete adj. Disconnected; not fitted or adjusted.
asynartete adj. Being or relating to a verse of two members, having different rhythms, as for example when the first…
asynartete n. A verse of this kind.
ASYNARTETESasynartetes n. Plural of asynartete.
ASYNARTETE n. a verse consisting of parts having different rhythms.
ENTETEENTETE adj. (French) obstinate (of a male).
ENTETEEENTETEE adj. (French) obstinate (of a female).
PENTETERICpenteteric adj. Quinquennial.
PENTETERIC adj. occurring every fourth year.
SHTETELshtetel n. Alternative form of shtetl.
SHTETEL n. (Yiddish) formerly, a Jewish community in an Eastern European town or village, also SHTETL.
SHTETELACHshtetelach n. Plural of shtetel.
SHTETEL n. (Yiddish) formerly, a Jewish community in an Eastern European town or village, also SHTETL.
SHTETELSshtetels n. Plural of shtetel.
SHTETEL n. (Yiddish) formerly, a Jewish community in an Eastern European town or village, also SHTETL.
TETETETE n. (French) an elaborately dressed head of hair; a headdress.
TETESTETE n. (French) an elaborately dressed head of hair; a headdress.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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