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There are 10 words containing TEPO

TEPOYtepoy n. Alternative form of teapoy.
TEPOY n. (Hindi) an ornamental stand, usually with three legs, having caddies for holding tea, also TEAPOY.
TEPOYStepoys n. Plural of tepoy.
TEPOY n. (Hindi) an ornamental stand, usually with three legs, having caddies for holding tea, also TEAPOY.
GATEPOSTgatepost n. A vertical post from which a gate is hung/attached.
GATEPOST n. a post from which a gate is hung.
STEPOVERstepover n. (Soccer) Alternative form of step over.
stepover n. A type of espalier where the tree or bush is made to grow horizontally above the ground, like a fence-rail.
step␣over n. (Soccer) A dribbling move, or feint, in football (soccer), used to fool a defensive player into thinking…
WHITEPOTwhitepot n. (Historical) An early form of bread and butter pudding, made with bone marrow or butter.
white-pot n. (UK, Devon, dialect) A kind of food made of milk or cream, eggs, sugar, bread, etc., baked in a pot.
WHITEPOT n. a Devonshire pudding of sliced rolls, milk, eggs, sugar etc. baked.
GATEPOSTSgateposts n. Plural of gatepost.
GATEPOST n. a post from which a gate is hung.
STEPOVERSstepovers n. Plural of stepover.
step␣overs n. Plural of step over.
STEPOVER n. an instance of raising the foot over the ball while in possession in order to wrong-foot an opponent.
WHITEPOTSwhitepots n. Plural of whitepot.
white-pots n. Plural of white-pot.
WHITEPOT n. a Devonshire pudding of sliced rolls, milk, eggs, sugar etc. baked.
ANTEPOSITIONanteposition n. (Rare) The placing of something in front of something else, especially of words in a sentence.
ANTEPOSITION n. the position opposite a given part of a plant.
ANTEPOSITIONSantepositions n. Plural of anteposition.
ANTEPOSITION n. the position opposite a given part of a plant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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