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There are 14 words containing TEOM

OSTEOMAosteoma n. (Medicine, pathology) A benign bony tumour that typically grows on the skull.
OSTEOMA n. (Greek) a tumor composed of bone or bone-like tissue.
OSTEOMASosteomas n. Plural of osteoma.
OSTEOMA n. (Greek) a tumor composed of bone or bone-like tissue.
PROTEOMEproteome n. (Biochemistry, genetics) The complete set of proteins encoded by a particular genome.
PROTEOME n. the complement of proteins expressed by a genome.
OSTEOMATAosteomata n. Plural of osteoma.
OSTEOMA n. (Greek) a tumor composed of bone or bone-like tissue.
PROTEOMESproteomes n. Plural of proteome.
PROTEOME n. the complement of proteins expressed by a genome.
PROTEOMICproteomic adj. Of or pertaining to proteomics.
PROTEOMIC adj. relating to a proteome, the full complement of proteins that occurs with a cell or tissue.
PROTEOMICSproteomics n. (Biochemistry) The branch of molecular biology that studies the set of proteins expressed by the genome…
PROTEOMICS n. the study of proteomes, especially their role in physiology and the action of drugs.
OSTEOMALACIAosteomalacia n. (Medicine) A softening of adult bones due to inadequate mineralization; the adult equivalent of rickets.
osteo-malacia n. Alternative spelling of osteomalacia.
OSTEOMALACIA n. softening of the skull due to calcium deficiency.
OSTEOMALACICosteomalacic adj. Of or pertaining to osteomalacia.
OSTEOMALACIC adj. relating to osteomalacia, softening of the skull due to calcium deficiency, also OSTEOMALACIAL.
OSTEOMALACIALOSTEOMALACIAL adj. relating to osteomalacia, softening of the skull due to calcium deficiency, also OSTEOMALACIC.
OSTEOMALACIASosteomalacias n. Plural of osteomalacia.
OSTEOMALACIA n. softening of the skull due to calcium deficiency.
OSTEOMYELITISosteomyelitis n. (Pathology) An infection of the bone.
OSTEOMYELITIS n. inflammation of bone marrow.
OSTEOMYELITIDESosteomyelitides n. Plural of osteomyelitis.
OSTEOMYELITISESosteomyelitises n. Plural of osteomyelitis.
OSTEOMYELITIS n. inflammation of bone marrow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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