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There are 14 words containing TBAN

CUTBANKcutbank n. (North America) The outer edge of the bend in a stream or river, where the water cuts into the bank…
Cut␣Bank prop.n. A city, the county seat of Glacier County, Montana, United States.
CUTBANK n. a steep stream bank.
CUTBANKScutbanks n. Plural of cutbank.
CUTBANK n. a steep stream bank.
HATBANDhatband n. A band fastened around a hat.
HATBAND n. a band worn on a hat.
HATBANDShatbands n. Plural of hatband.
HATBAND n. a band worn on a hat.
PLATBANDplatband n. A border of flowers in a garden, especially along a wall; a strip of turf forming a border.
platband n. (Figuratively) Any border.
platband n. (Architecture) A flat fascia on an architrave, or forming a border round a window, or a horizontal band along a wall.
PLATBANDSplatbands n. Plural of platband.
PLATBAND n. (French) a border of flowers in a garden, along a wall or a parterre.
SHIRTBANDSHIRTBAND n. the neckband of a shirt.
SHIRTBANDSSHIRTBAND n. the neckband of a shirt.
SWEATBANDsweatband n. A band of fabric, inside the crown of a hat, designed to absorb perspiration.
sweatband n. A band of fabric worn around the wrist or head during sports to absorb perspiration.
SWEATBAND n. an absorbent wristlet worn by e.g. tennis players to prevent sweat running down to their hands.
SWEATBANDSsweatbands n. Plural of sweatband.
SWEATBAND n. an absorbent wristlet worn by e.g. tennis players to prevent sweat running down to their hands.
WAISTBANDwaistband n. A band of fabric encircling the waist, especially a part of a pair of pants or a skirt.
WAISTBAND n. the strip of fabric in a garment that fits round the waist.
WAISTBANDSwaistbands n. Plural of waistband.
WAISTBAND n. the strip of fabric in a garment that fits round the waist.
WRISTBANDwristband n. The cuff of a sleeve that wraps around the wrist.
wristband n. A strip of material worn around the wrist, e.g. to absorb perspiration, especially in sports.
wristband n. A decorative band or bracelet that encircles the wearer’s wrist.
WRISTBANDSwristbands n. Plural of wristband.
wrist␣bands n. Plural of wrist band Alternative spelling of wristbands.
WRISTBAND n. a band worn round the wrist e.g. to soak up sweat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 92 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 29 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 5 words

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