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There are 20 words containing TANY

BOTANYbotany n. (Uncountable) The scientific study of plants, a branch of biology. Typically those disciplines that…
botany n. The plant life of a geographical area; flora.
botany n. The properties and life phenomena exhibited by a plant, plant type, or plant group.
LITANYlitany n. A ritual liturgical prayer in which a series of prayers recited by a leader are alternated with responses…
litany n. (Figurative) A prolonged or tedious list.
LITANY n. a ceremonial form of prayer.
RATANYratany n. Alternative form of rhatany.
RATANY n. (Quechua) a South American shrub with astringent roots, also RHATANY.
TETANYtetany n. (Medicine) A condition characterized by painful muscular spasms, caused by faulty calcium metabolism.
TETANY n. a morbid condition resembling tetanus, but distinguished from it by being less severe and having intermittent spasms.
DITTANYdittany n. A labiate plant, Origanum dictamnus, formerly renowned for its medicinal properties; dittany of Crete.
dittany n. A fragrant plant in the rue family, Dictamnus albus.
dittany n. Pseudodictamnus mediterraneus (syn. Ballota pseudodictamnus; false dittany).
RHATANYrhatany n. The powerfully astringent root of a half-shrubby Peruvian plant (Krameria lappacea, syn. Krameria triandra)…
rhatany n. Any of the species in genus Krameria.
RHATANY n. (Quechua) a South American shrub, also RATANY.
STANYELstanyel n. Alternative form of staniel.
TANYARDtanyard n. A tannery, or a yard of a tannery.
TANYARD n. the section of a tannery containing the vats.
FENTANYLfentanyl n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic opioid narcotic analgesic C22H28N2O with pharmacological action similar to…
FENTANYL n. a narcotic opioid.
STANYELSstanyels n. Plural of stanyel.
TANYARDStanyards n. (Britain) plural of tanyard.
TANYARD n. the section of a tannery containing the vats.
FENTANYLSfentanyls n. Plural of fentanyl.
FENTANYL n. a narcotic opioid.
GEOBOTANYgeobotany n. The branch of biogeography that is concerned with the geographic distribution of plant species.
GEOBOTANY n. the geographical study of plant distribution, aka phytogeography.
MOMENTANYmomentany adj. (Obsolete) Momentary, transient.
MOMENTANY adj. (Shakespeare) momentary.
ASTROBOTANYastrobotany n. Synonym of xenobotany.
ASTROBOTANY n. the branch of botany that investigates the possibility that plants grow on other planets.
ETHNOBOTANYethnobotany n. (Botany, sociology) The scientific study of the relationships between people and plants.
ethnobotany n. (Pharmacology) The scientific study of traditional medicinal plants used by various ethnic groups.
ETHNOBOTANY n. the plant lore of indigenous cultures.
PALEOBOTANYpaleobotany n. The branch of paleontology that deals with the study of plant fossils.
PALEOBOTANY n. the study of fossil plants, also PALAEOBOTANY.
ARCHEOBOTANYarcheobotany n. Alternative form of archaeobotany.
ARCHEOBOTANY n. the analysis and interpretation of plant remains found at archaeological sites, also ARCHAEOBOTANY.
PALAEOBOTANYpalaeobotany n. Alternative spelling of paleobotany.
palæobotany n. Obsolete spelling of palaeobotany.
PALAEOBOTANY n. the study of fossil plants, also PALEOBOTANY.
ARCHAEOBOTANYarchaeobotany n. (Archaeology) Paleoethnobotany.
archæobotany n. Alternative form of archaeobotany.
ARCHAEOBOTANY n. the analysis and interpretation of plant remains found at archaeological sites, also ARCHEOBOTANY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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