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There are 11 words containing TAFI

METAFICTIONmetafiction n. A form of self-referential literature concerned with the art and devices of fiction itself.
METAFICTION n. fiction which refers to or takes as its subject fictional writing and its conventions.
METAFICTIONALmetafictional adj. Of, relating to, or being metafiction.
METAFICTIONAL adj. relating to metafiction.
METAFICTIONISTmetafictionist n. A writer of metafiction.
METAFICTIONIST n. a writer of metafiction.
METAFICTIONISTSmetafictionists n. Plural of metafictionist.
METAFICTIONIST n. a writer of metafiction.
METAFICTIONSmetafictions n. Plural of metafiction.
METAFICTION n. fiction which refers to or takes as its subject fictional writing and its conventions.
METAFILEmetafile n. (Computing) A file in any format that can store multiple types of data, typically a graphics file format.
METAFILE n. graphical information capable of being transferred between systems or software.
METAFILESmetafiles n. Plural of metafile.
METAFILE n. graphical information capable of being transferred between systems or software.
RATAFIAratafia n. A liqueur or cordial flavored with peach or cherry kernels, bitter almonds, or other fruits.
ratafia n. (Countable) A kind of biscuit made with ratafia essence and almond or apricot kernels.
RATAFIA n. an almond-flavoured liqueur, also RATAFEE.
RATAFIASratafias n. Plural of ratafia.
RATAFIA n. an almond-flavoured liqueur, also RATAFEE.
TAFIAtafia n. (Caribbean) A variety of rum.
Tafia prop.n. Alternative spelling of Taffia.
TAFIA n. a liquor resembling rum distilled from the lower grades of molasses, refuse brown sugar, etc., also TAFFIA.
TAFIAStafias n. Plural of tafia.
TAFIA n. a liquor resembling rum distilled from the lower grades of molasses, refuse brown sugar, etc., also TAFFIA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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