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There are 15 nine-letter words containing TTON

BUTTONERSbuttoners n. Plural of buttoner.
BUTTONER n. one who buttons.
BUTTONIERBUTTONY adj. ornamented with a large number of buttons.
BUTTONINGbuttoning v. Present participle of button.
buttoning n. A fastening with buttons.
BUTTON v. to fasten with a small disk.
COTTONADEcottonade n. A somewhat stout and thick fabric of cotton, generally inferior, coarser, and less durable.
COTTONADE n. a somewhat stout and thick fabric of cotton.
COTTONIERCOTTONY adj. having the texture of cotton.
COTTONINGcottoning v. Present participle of cotton.
COTTON v. to take a liking to.
GUNCOTTONguncotton n. Nitrocellulose.
gun␣cotton n. Nitrocellulose.
GUNCOTTON n. an explosive made by saturating cotton in nitric and sulphuric acids.
KEYBUTTONkeybutton n. (Dated) A key on a keyboard.
KEYBUTTON n. a key on a typewriter.
MISBUTTONmisbutton v. (Transitive) To button wrongly.
MISBUTTON v. to button wrongly.
MUTTONIERMUTTONY adj. like mutton; having a flavor of mutton.
OUTTONGUEouttongue v. (Transitive) To make more noise than, especially in speaking.
OUTTONGUE v. (Shakespeare) to speak louder than.
PANETTONEpanettone n. A soft Italian sourdough brioche from Milan, with candied fruit, usually prepared for Christmas as a dessert.
PANETTONE n. (Italian) a kind of spiced cake, usually made with sultanas.
PANETTONIpanettoni n. Plural of panettone.
PANETTONE n. (Italian) a kind of spiced cake, usually made with sultanas.
REBUTTONSrebuttons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rebutton.
REBUTTON v. to button again.
UNBUTTONSunbuttons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unbutton.
UNBUTTON v. to unfasten the buttons of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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