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There are 11 nine-letter words containing TRIO

CENTRIOLEcentriole n. (Biology) A barrel-shaped microtubule structure found in most animal cells, important in the process…
CENTRIOLE n. a rodlike body (usually one of a pair) in animal cells.
COPATRIOTcopatriot n. A joint patriot.
COPATRIOT n. a person born, residing, or holding citizenship in the same country as another, also COMPATRIOT.
HISTRIONShistrions n. Plural of histrion.
HISTRION n. (archaic) an actor, also HISTRIO.
OESTRIOLSoestriols n. Plural of oestriol.
OESTRIOL n. an estrogen, also ESTRIOL.
PATRIOTICpatriotic adj. Inspired by or showing patriotism; done out of love of one’s country; zealously and unselfishly devoted…
PATRIOTIC adj. devoted to one's country.
TRIOLEINSTRIOLEIN n. a glyceride of oleic acid, also OLEIN, OLEINE, ELAIN.
TRIONYMALtrionymal adj. Synonym of trionymous.
TRIONYMAL adj. relating to a trionym.
TRIOXIDEStrioxides n. Plural of trioxide.
TRIOXIDE n. an oxide containing three atoms of oxygen; as, sulphur trioxide, also TRIOXID.
TRIOXYGENtrioxygen n. (Inorganic chemistry) ozone (the triatomic allotrope of oxygen).
TRIOXYGEN n. a technical name for oxygen.
VITRIOLEDvitrioled v. Simple past tense and past participle of vitriol.
VITRIOL v. to treat with sulfuric acid.
VITRIOLICvitriolic adj. (Chemistry, dated) Of or pertaining to vitriol; derived from or resembling vitriol.
vitriolic adj. (Figuratively) Bitterly scathing, caustic.
VITRIOLIC adj. caustic or hostile.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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