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There are 14 nine-letter words containing TIRE

BONETIREDbone-tired adj. Very tired; so tired one feels it in one’s bones.
bone␣tired adj. Alternative spelling of bone-tired.
BONETIRED adj. extremely tired.
DISATTIREdisattire v. (Transitive) To undress.
DISATTIRE v. (Spenser) to unrobe; to undress.
OVERTIREDovertired v. Simple past tense and past participle of overtire.
overtired adj. Overly tired.
OVERTIRE v. to tire excessively.
OVERTIRESovertires v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overtire.
OVERTIRE v. to tire excessively.
RETIREDLYretiredly adv. In a retired or withdrawn situation.
RETIRED adv. RETIRE, to withdraw or retreat.
SUBENTIREsubentire adj. (Botany) Almost entire (having just a few indentations).
SUBENTIRE adj. of a leaf, with very faintly indented margin.
TIREDNESStiredness n. The state of being tired.
TIREDNESS n. the state of being tired.
TIRELINGSTIRELING n. a tired animal.
TIREMAKERtiremaker n. A manufacturer of tires (wheel coverings).
TIREMAKER n. one who makes tires.
TIREWOMANtirewoman n. (Archaic) A lady’s maid.
tirewoman n. (Archaic) A female dresser in a theatre; a wardrobe assistant.
TIREWOMAN n. a lady's maid.
TIREWOMENtirewomen n. Plural of tirewoman.
TIREWOMAN n. a lady's maid.
UNATTIREDunattired v. Simple past tense and past participle of unattire.
UNATTIRED adj. not attired.
UNRETIREDunretired adj. Not retired; still working.
UNRETIRE v. to return to work after having taken retirement.
UNRETIRESunretires v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unretire.
UNRETIRE v. to return to work after having taken retirement.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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