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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing TIOL

AETIOLOGYaetiology n. The establishment of a cause, origin, or reason for something.
aetiology n. The study of causes or causation.
aetiology n. (Medicine, uncountable) The study or investigation of the causes of disease; a scientific explanation…
ETIOLATEDetiolated adj. (Chiefly botany, horticulture) Of a plant or part of a plant: pale and weak because of sunlight deprivation…
etiolated adj. (Horticulture) Of a plant: intentionally grown in the dark.
etiolated adj. (By extension) Of an animal or person: having an ashen or pale appearance; also, haggard or thin; physically weak.
ETIOLATESetiolates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of etiolate.
ETIOLATE v. to make pale by preventing exposure to sunlight.
ETIOLOGICetiologic adj. Alternative spelling of aetiologic.
ETIOLOGIC adj. relating to etiology, the study of causes, also ETIOLOGICAL.
OSTIOLATEostiolate adj. Having an ostiole.
OSTIOLATE adj. having an opening.
PETIOLATEpetiolate adj. Petiolated (connected to a stem by means of a petiole).
petiolate n. Such a leaf.
PETIOLATE adj. having a petiole, a leafstalk, also PETIOLATED, PETIOLED.
PETIOLULEpetiolule n. (Botany) The petiole of a pinna or pinnule.
petiolule n. (Botany) A small or partial petiole.
PETIOLULE n. a small petiole, or the petiole of a leaflet.
SITIOLOGYsitiology n. Alternative form of sitology.
SITIOLOGY n. the science of diet, also SITOLOGY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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