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There are 16 nine-letter words containing TICL

ANTICLINEanticline n. (Geology) A fold with strata sloping downwards on each side.
ANTICLINE n. a fold that is convex upward, or that had such an attitude at some stage of its development.
ANTICLINGanticling adj. Preventing one material from clinging to another.
ANTICLING adj. designed to prevent clinging e.g. of fabrics.
ARTICLINGarticling v. Present participle of article.
ARTICLE v. in law, to charge with specific offenses.
CANTICLEScanticles n. Plural of canticle.
Canticles prop.n. (Biblical) Synonym of Song of Songs, a canonical book of the Hebrew Bible and Christian Old Testament.
CANTICLE n. a nonmetrical hymn, esp. one used in a church service, such as the Magnificat.
DENTICLESdenticles n. Plural of denticle.
DENTICLE n. a small toothlike structure, as on the skin of a shark.
FERNTICLEfernticle n. (Obsolete, dialect, Scotland) A freckle on the skin, resembling the seed of fern.
FRANTICLYfranticly adv. (Rare) In a frantic manner.
FRANTICLY adv. (Shakespeare) frantically, also FRANTICALLY.
LATICLAVElaticlave n. (Historical) A badge of two wide purple stripes, worn by senators and certain other high-ranking people…
LATICLAVE n. (historical) a broad stripe of purple on the fore part of the tunic, worn by senators in ancient Rome as an emblem of office.
LENTICLESlenticles n. Plural of lenticle.
LENTICLE n. a double convex mass.
LISTICLESlisticles n. Plural of listicle.
LISTICLE n. a piece of writing based around or consisting of a list.
MONTICLESmonticles n. Plural of monticle.
MONTICLE n. a little hill, also MONTICULUS.
PARTICLESparticles n. Plural of particle.
PARTICLE n. a very small piece or part.
PLASTICLYplasticly adv. Alternative form of plastically.
PLASTIC adv. easily moulded.
POLITICLYpoliticly adv. In a politic manner; sagaciously; shrewdly; artfully.
POLITIC adv. shrewd.
SPARTICLEsparticle n. (Physics) Any subatomic particle predicted by supersymmetry; the boson equivalent of a known fermion.
SPARTICLE n. a shadow particle such as a squark believed to have been produced at the time of the Big Bang.
TESTICLEStesticles n. Plural of testicle.
TESTICLE n. a male reproductive gland, also TESTIS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 44 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 45 words

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