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There are 18 nine-letter words containing THON

BENTHONICbenthonic adj. Synonym of benthic.
BENTHONIC adj. living on the sea bottom, also BENTHAL, BENTHIC, BENTHOAL.
CHTHONIANchthonian adj. Pertaining to the underworld; being beneath the earth.
chthonian n. A dweller in the mythical underworld.
CHTHONIAN adj. pertaining to the earth or the underworld, also CHTHONIC.
DANTHONIAdanthonia n. (Botany) Any of the genus Danthonia of Eurasian, North African, and American grasses.
DANTHONIA n. a tufted grass native to Australia and New Zealand.
DIPHTHONGdiphthong n. (Phonetics) A complex vowel sound that begins with the sound of one vowel and ends with the sound of…
diphthong n. (Rare) A vowel digraph or ligature.
DIPHTHONG n. a union of two vowels pronounced in one syllable.
GNATHONICgnathonic adj. (Obsolete) Deceitful; flattering.
GNATHONIC adj. (obsolete) flattering, also GNATHONICAL.
MARATHONSmarathons n. Plural of marathon.
MARATHON n. a long-distance race.
PAKTHONGSPAKTHONG n. (Chinese) a Chinese alloy of nickel, zinc, and copper, resembling German silver, also PACKFONG, PAKFONG, PAKTONG.
PHONATHONPHONATHON n. a telephone-based fundraising campaign.
PYTHONESSpythoness n. Alternative letter-case form of Pythoness.
pythoness n. A female soothsayer.
pythoness n. A female python.
RADIOTHONradiothon n. (Informal) An extended charity appeal on the radio.
RADIOTHON n. a marathon talk-in on radio.
TALKATHONtalkathon n. A lengthy speech, discussion or debate.
TALKATHON n. a long talking session.
TELETHONStelethons n. Plural of telethon.
TELETHON n. an exceptionally long television programme to raise money for a charity or cause.
THONGIESTTHONGY adj. resembling an item of clothing made from a strip of cloth.
TITHONIAStithonias n. Plural of tithonia.
TITHONIA n. a tall herb.
TRILITHONtrilithon n. A structure consisting of two stone pillars supporting a horizontal stone.
TRILITHON n. (Greek) a stone monument of two upright and one transverse slab, also TRILITH.
WALKATHONwalkathon n. A long-distance walk, either as a race or in aid of charity.
WALKATHON n. a marathon walking event.
XANTHONESxanthones n. Plural of xanthone.
XANTHONE n. a ketone analogue of xanthene which forms the basis of various natural pigments.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 97 words
  • Scrabble in French: 18 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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