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There are 12 nine-letter words containing TERT

AFTERTIMEaftertime n. A later time; the future.
aftertime n. (Music) The process in which a harmony singer or background singer repeats a line or a series of words…
after-time n. Alternative form of aftertime.
ASTERTINGASTERT v. (obsolete) to start up, also ASTART.
ENTERTAINentertain v. (Transitive) To amuse (someone); to engage the attention of agreeably.
entertain v. (Transitive and intransitive) To have someone over at one’s home for a party or visit.
entertain v. (Transitive) To receive and take into consideration; to have a thought in mind.
ENTERTAKEentertake v. (Transitive, obsolete) To entertain; to receive.
ENTERTAKE v. (Spenser) to receive, entertain.
ENTERTOOKentertook v. Simple past tense of entertake.
ENTERTAKE v. (Spenser) to receive, entertain.
INTERTERMinterterm adj. Between terms.
INTERTERM n. the period between the end of one academic session and the beginning of the next session.
INTERTEXTintertext n. A reference to one text within another.
INTERTEXT n. a text between texts.
INTERTIESinterties n. Plural of intertie.
INTERTIE n. a short timber binding together upright posts.
INTERTILLINTERTILL v. to cultivate between the rows (of a crop).
SESTERTIAsestertia n. Plural of sestertium.
SESTERTIUM n. (Latin) a Roman money of account equal to 1000 sesterces.
SESTERTIIsestertii n. Plural of sestertius.
SESTERTIUS n. (Latin) a Roman coin or denomination of money, in value the fourth part of a denarius, also SESTERCE.
TERTIUSESTERTIUS n. (Latin) the third person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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