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There are 11 nine-letter words containing TENU

ATTENUANTattenuant adj. Making thin, as fluids; diluting; rendering less dense and viscid.
attenuant n. (Medicine, dated) Any medicine that thins or dilutes the fluids; a diluent.
ATTENUANT n. a drug or other agent that attenuates.
ATTENUATEattenuate v. (Transitive) To reduce in size, force, value, amount, or degree.
attenuate v. (Transitive) To make thinner, as by physically reshaping, starving, or decaying.
attenuate v. (Intransitive) To become thin or fine; to grow less.
EXTENUATEextenuate adj. Of a person: emaciated, wasted, weakened; of the body or part of it: atrophied, shrunken, withered.
extenuate adj. Of a quality or thing: lessened, weakened.
extenuate adj. Reduced to poverty; impoverished.
RITENUTOSritenutos n. Plural of ritenuto.
RITENUTO n. (Italian) a musical passage with a held back tempo.
SOSTENUTISOSTENUTO n. (Italian) a piece played in a sustained or drawn out manner.
SOSTENUTOsostenuto adv. (Music) played in a sustained manner beyond the note’s normal value.
sostenuto n. A note or passage marked to be sustained.
SOSTENUTO n. (Italian) a piece played in a sustained or drawn out manner.
SUBTENUREsubtenure n. The right or status of a subtenant; a sublease.
SUBTENURE n. tenure held under somebody else's tenure.
TENUITIEStenuities n. Plural of tenuity.
TENUITY n. lack of strength.
TENUOUSLYtenuously adv. In a tenuous manner.
TENUOUS adv. thin, slight, insubstantial, also TENUIOUS.
TENURABLEtenurable adj. Eligible for academic tenure.
TENURABLE adj. of a university post, giving tenure.
UNTENUREDuntenured adj. Lacking tenure (permanence at an academic job).
UNTENURED adj. not having tenure.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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