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There are 13 nine-letter words containing TEAD

BEDSTEADSbedsteads n. Plural of bedstead.
BEDSTEAD n. a support for a bed.
BESTEADEDbesteaded v. Simple past tense of bestead.
BESTEAD v. (archaic) to help, relieve.
FARMSTEADfarmstead n. The main building of a farm.
farmstead n. A farm, including its buildings.
FARMSTEAD n. a farmhouse with buildings belonging to it.
HEAPSTEADheapstead n. (Mining, historical) The elevated framework of wood or iron at bank, to the top of which the pit is…
HEAPSTEAD n. the buildings and places around a mine shaft.
HOMESTEADhomestead n. A house together with surrounding land and buildings, especially on a farm; the property comprising these.
homestead n. The place that is one’s home.
homestead n. (South Africa) A cluster of several houses occupied by an extended family.
NONSTEADYnonsteady adj. Not steady.
NONSTEADY adj. not steady.
ROADSTEADroadstead n. (Nautical) A partly sheltered anchorage; a stretch of water near the shore where vessels may ride at…
ROADSTEAD n. an anchorage off shore.
STEADFASTsteadfast adj. Fixed or unchanging; steady.
steadfast adj. Firmly loyal or constant; unswerving.
STEADFAST adj. firm, unwavering, also STEDFAST.
STEADIERSsteadiers n. Plural of steadier.
STEADIER n. one who steadies.
STEADIESTsteadiest adj. Superlative form of steady: most steady.
STEADY adj. well-balanced.
STEADINGSsteadings n. Plural of steading.
STEADING n. a small farm.
STEADYINGsteadying v. Present participle of steady.
steadying adj. That steadies, stabilizes.
steadying n. The process of making something steady; stabilization.
ZAPATEADOzapateado n. A dance of Mexican Indian origin characterized by a lively rhythm punctuated by the striking of the dancer’s shoes.
ZAPATEADO n. (Spanish) a Latin-American dance with rhythmic tapping of the feet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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