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There are 10 nine-letter words containing TARD

BASTARDLYbastardly adj. Having been born out of marriage.
bastardly adj. Of no use or purpose; useless; worthless.
bastardly adv. In a bastardly manner.
BASTARDRYbastardry n. (Dated) The state of being a bastard (illegitimate child).
bastardry n. (Rare) The unpleasant behaviour of a bastard (objectionable person).
BASTARDRY n. (Australian slang) malicious or cruel behaviour, also BASTARDY.
DASTARDLYdastardly adj. In the manner of a dastard; marked by cowardice; pusillanimous.
dastardly adj. Treacherous; given to backstabbing.
dastardly adv. In a cowardly or treacherous fashion.
LEOTARDEDleotarded adj. Clad in a leotard.
LEOTARDED adj. wearing a leotard.
RETARDANTretardant adj. (Often in combination) Serving to impede (slow down) the action of something.
retardant n. (Often in combination) Something that serves to retard (slow down) the action of something.
RETARDANT n. something that retards e.g. the spread of fire.
RETARDERSretarders n. Plural of retarder.
RETARDER n. one who retards.
RETARDINGretarding v. Present participle of retard.
retarding n. A slowing or hindrance.
RETARD v. to hold back.
STARDRIFTstardrift n. (Astronomy) The apparent shared motion of stars in the same cluster.
STARDRIFT n. a common proper motion of a number of stars in the same region.
STARDUSTSstardusts n. Plural of stardust.
STARDUST n. cosmic dust, meteoric matter in fine particles.
TARDINESStardiness n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being tardy.
tardiness n. (Countable) The result or product of being tardy.
TARDINESS n. the state of being tardy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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