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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing TARC

ACRITARCHacritarch n. (Paleontology, palynology) Any small, non-acid-soluble (i.e. non-carbonate, non-siliceous) organic fossil…
ACRITARCH n. any of a group of fossil one-celled marine organisms.
ANTARCTICantarctic adj. Alternative spelling of Antarctic.
Antarctic adj. Of, from, or pertaining to Antarctica and the south polar regions.
Antarctic adj. (Figuratively) Opposite, contradictory.
AUTARCHICautarchic adj. Of, pertaining to, or marked by autarchy; autocratic.
autarchic adj. Self-sufficient.
autarchic adj. (Genetics, of a gene) Not inhibited by neighbouring genetic material.
HEPTARCHSheptarchs n. Plural of heptarch.
HEPTARCH n. a member of a heptarchy, government by seven persons.
HEPTARCHYheptarchy n. A government of seven people.
heptarchy n. The realm so ruled.
heptarchy n. A group of seven states, especially (historical) those in Anglo-Saxon Britain.
METARCHONMETARCHON n. a nontoxic substance, such as a chemical to mask pheromones, that reduces the persistence of a pest.
PENTARCHSpentarchs n. Plural of pentarch.
PENTARCH n. a member of a pentarchy, government by five persons.
PENTARCHYpentarchy n. (Politics) Government by five persons.
pentarchy n. A governing body consisting of five persons.
pentarchy n. A federation of five nations, each under its own government or ruler.
STARCHERSstarchers n. Plural of starcher.
Starchers prop.n. Plural of Starcher.
STARCHER n. one who starches.
STARCHIERstarchier adj. Comparative form of starchy: more starchy.
STARCHY adj. containing starch.
STARCHILYstarchily adv. In a starchy or formal manner.
STARCHY adv. containing starch.
STARCHINGstarching v. Present participle of starch.
STARCH v. to stiffen a fabric.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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