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There are 9 eight-letter words containing TROM

ANGSTROMangstrom n. (Physics) A unit of length equal to 10−10 meters (that is, one ten-billionth of a meter), approximately…
Angstrom n. Alternative letter-case form of angstrom.
angström n. Alternative form of angstrom.
INTROMITintromit v. (Law, Scotland) To intermeddle with the effects or goods of another.
intromit v. (Transitive) To send in or put in; to insert or introduce.
intromit v. (Transitive) To allow to pass in; to admit.
PASTROMIpastromi n. Dated form of pastrami.
PASTROMI n. (Yiddish) a highly seasoned smoked beef, also PASTRAMI.
STROMATAstromata n. Plural of stroma.
STROMA n. (Latin) a supporting framework of connecting tissue.
STROMBUSstrombus n. (Zoology) Any conch of the genus Strombus. Most subspecies are known as forms of fighting conches.
Strombus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Strombidae – formerly included most conches, now many are in other genera.
STROMBUS n. (Greek) a very large gastropod related to the whelk, also STROMB.
TROMBONEtrombone n. A musical instrument in the brass family, having a cylindrical bore, and usually a sliding tube (but…
trombone n. The common European bittern.
trombone n. (Film, television) A kind of extendable support for attaching lighting elements to a set.
TROMINOStrominos n. Plural of tromino.
TROMINO n. a flat, three-sided shape.
TROMMELStrommels n. Plural of trommel.
TROMMEL n. (German) a revolving sieve for cleaning or sizing minerals.
TROMPINGtromping v. Present participle of tromp.
TROMP v. to apply heavy foot pressure to something; to tread heavily.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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