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There are 9 eight-letter words containing TROI

ASTROIDSastroids n. Plural of astroid.
ASTROID n. a four cusped geometrical figure.
BISTROICBISTROIC adj. of or like a bistro, a small bar or restaurant.
CENTROIDcentroid n. (Geometry, physics, engineering, of an object or a geometrical figure) The point at which gravitational…
centroid n. (Geometry, specifically, of a triangle) The point of intersection of the three medians of a given triangle;…
centroid n. (Of a finite set of points) the point whose (Cartesian) coordinates are the arithmetic mean of the coordinates…
ELYTROIDelytroid adj. (Zoology) Resembling a beetle’s wingcase.
ELYTROID adj. of or like an elytron, a beetle's forewing, also ELYTROUS.
INTROITSintroits n. Plural of introit.
INTROIT n. (Latin) psalm or antiphon sung or said at the start of a service.
SISTROIDSISTROID adj. shaped like a sistrum, a kind of rattle.
TROILISMtroilism n. The practice of two people having sex while a third person watches (and may or may not take part).
troilism n. The practice of three people having sex, i.e. having threesomes.
TROILISM n. sexual activity between three people (of two different sexes).
TROILISTtroilist adj. Involving three sexual partners; pertaining to a threesome.
troilist n. A participant in a sexual threesome.
TROILIST n. one who engages in troilism, sexual activity between three people.
TROILITEtroilite n. (Mineralogy) A non-magnetic variety of the ferrous sulfide mineral pyrrhotite that occurs in most meteorites.
TROILITE n. a mineral, native ferrous sulphide, found in meteorites.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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