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There are 20 eight-letter words containing TRID

BESTRIDEbestride v. (Transitive) To be astride something, to stand over or sit on with legs on either side, especially to sit on a horse.
bestride v. (Transitive, figuratively) To dominate.
BESTRIDE v. to stride across, straddle.
CHYTRIDSchytrids n. Plural of chytrid.
CHYTRID n. a primitive variety of fungus.
ESTRIDGEestridge n. Obsolete form of ostrich.
Estridge prop.n. A surname from Old French.
ESTRIDGE n. (obsolete) an ostrich, also ESTRICH, OYSTRIGE.
EUPATRIDEupatrid n. (Historical) In Ancient Greece, a member of the noble Attic landowning class.
Eupatrid adj. (Historical) In Ancient Greece, belonging to the noble Attic landowning class.
EUPATRID n. (Greek) a member of the aristocracy in ancient Greek states.
NITRIDEDnitrided adj. Subjected to the nitriding process.
NITRIDE v. to convert into such a compound.
NITRIDESnitrides n. Plural of nitride.
NITRIDE v. to convert into such a compound.
OUTRIDERoutrider n. A guide or escort, especially one who rides in advance.
outrider n. One who rides out on horseback to inspect a ranch etc.
outrider n. (Figurative) A forerunner.
OUTRIDESoutrides n. Plural of outride.
outrides v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outride.
OUTRIDE v. to ride faster than.
PUTRIDLYputridly adv. In a putrid manner.
PUTRID adv. rotten.
STRIDDENstridden v. (Britain) past participle of stride.
STRIDE v. to walk with long steps.
STRIDDLEstriddle v. (Dialectal, Scotland, Northern England) To straddle.
STRIDDLE v. to stand astride something, also STRADDLE, STRODDLE, STRODLE.
STRIDENTstrident adj. Loud; shrill, piercing, high-pitched; rough-sounding.
strident adj. Grating or obnoxious.
strident adj. (Nonstandard) Vigorous; making strides.
STRIDERSstriders n. Plural of strider.
Striders prop.n. Plural of Strider.
STRIDER n. one who strides.
STRIDINGstriding v. Present participle of stride.
striding n. The act of one who strides; a long step.
striding n. (Skiing, uncountable) A technique for propelling forward that appears similar to walking, where a foot…
STRIDORSstridors n. Plural of stridor.
STRIDOR n. (Latin) a harsh shrill sound.
TRIDACNAtridacna n. Any member of the genus Tridacna of large saltwater clams with heavy fluted shells.
Tridacna prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Cardiidae – large saltwater clams.
TRIDACNA n. (Greek) a giant clam.
TRIDARNStridarns n. Plural of tridarn.
TRIDARN n. (Welsh) a Welsh dresser having three tiers.
TRIDENTStridents n. Plural of trident.
TRIDENT n. a spear with three prongs.
TRIDUUMStriduums n. Plural of triduum.
TRIDUUM n. (Latin) a period of three days of prayer preceding Roman Catholic feasts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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