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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing TOPO

METOPONSMETOPON n. a pain-relieving drug derived from opium.
OCTOPODSoctopods n. Plural of octopod.
OCTOPOD n. any of an order of eight-armed mollusks.
OCTOPOIDoctopoid adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling an octopus or octopod; octopuslike.
octopoid adj. Widespread; reaching across or penetrating large distances; controlling many things from a central point.
octopoid n. An octopuslike creature.
PROTOPODprotopod n. Synonym of protopodite.
PROTOPOD n. a part of a crustacean appendage.
STOPOFFSstopoffs n. Plural of stopoff.
STOPOFF n. a brief stop in the course of a journey, also STOPOVER.
STOPOVERstopover n. A short interruption in a journey or the place visited during such an interruption.
stop-over n. Alternative spelling of stopover.
stop␣over v. (Intransitive) To interrupt one’s journey for a short (sometimes overnight) stay; to stop off.
TOPOLOGYtopology n. (Mathematics, uncountable) The branch of mathematics dealing with those properties of a geometrical…
topology n. (Topology) Any collection τ of subsets of a given set X that contains both the empty set and X, and…
topology n. (Medicine) The anatomical structure of part of the body.
TOPONYMStoponyms n. Plural of toponym.
TOPONYM n. (Greek) a word derived from the name of a place e.g. Waterloo.
TOPONYMYtoponymy n. (Semantics) Lexicological study of place names; a branch of onomastics.
toponymy n. (Anatomy) The nomenclature of anatomical regions.
TOPONYMY n. the study of toponyms.
TOPOTYPEtopotype n. (Geology) type locality.
topotype n. (Taxonomy) A specimen from the type locality.
TOPOTYPE n. a specimen selected from a locality typical of a species.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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