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There are 18 eight-letter words containing TINS

CAROTINScarotins n. Plural of carotin.
CAROTIN n. any of a number of reddish-yellow pigments widely distributed in plants that are converted to vitamin A in the body, also CAROTENE, CARROTIN.
CERATINSCERATIN n. a nitrogenous compound, the constituent of horny tissue, also KERATIN.
CREATINScreatins n. Plural of creatin.
CREATIN n. a chemical found within vertebrate muscle, also CREATINE, KREATINE.
ELASTINSelastins n. Plural of elastin.
ELASTIN n. a protein, the chief constituent of elastic tissue.
GELATINSgelatins n. Plural of gelatin.
GELATIN n. a glutinous substance, also GELATINE.
HEMATINShematins n. Plural of hematin.
HEMATIN n. a compound of hemoglobin, also HEMATINE.
KERATINSkeratins n. Plural of keratin.
KERATIN n. a fibrous protein.
KINETINSkinetins n. Plural of kinetin.
KINETIN n. a substance that increases plant growth.
NICOTINSnicotins n. Plural of nicotin.
NICOTIN n. a poisonous alkaloid in tobacco, also NICOTINE.
QUINTINSquintins n. Plural of quintin.
Quintins prop.n. Plural of Quintin.
QUINTIN n. a kind of fine linen.
SNAPTINSsnap-tins n. Plural of snap-tin.
SNAPTIN n. (dialect) a container for food.
TINSELEDtinseled v. Simple past tense and past participle of tinsel.
TINSEL v. to give a showy appearance to.
TINSELLYtinselly adj. Resembling or adorned with tinsel.
tinselly adj. (Figurative) Gaudy, superficial; offering attraction without depth.
TINSELLY adj. of or like tinsel, also TINSELY.
TINSELRYtinselry n. Glittering and tawdry material.
TINSELRY n. tawdry material.
TINSMITHtinsmith n. A person who makes or repairs things with tin or similar alloys.
tinsmith n. A dealer in tin goods.
TINSMITH n. one who works with tin.
TINSNIPStinsnips n. (Countable, plural in form, usually with a plural verb) A kind of snips resembling scissors.
tin␣snips n. Large, heavily-constructed scissors or shears, operated by hand and used for cutting sheets of metal.
TINSNIPS n. a pair of hand shears for cutting tin etc.
TINSTONEtinstone n. The mineral cassiterite.
TINSTONE n. an ore of tin, cassiterite.
VOLUTINSVOLUTIN n. a substance found in granular form in the cytoplasm of various cells.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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