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There are 12 eight-letter words containing TIMA

ANTIMALEantimale adj. Averse to, or acting against, males.
anti-male adj. Alternative spelling of antimale.
anti-male n. Alternative spelling of antimale.
ANTIMASKantimask n. Obsolete form of antimasque.
antimask adj. Opposing masks.
ANTIMASK n. a secondary mask, or grotesque interlude, between the parts of a serious mask, also ANTIMASQUE.
ESTIMATEestimate n. A rough calculation or assessment of the value, size, or cost of something.
estimate n. (Construction and business) A document (or verbal notification) specifying how much a job is likely to cost.
estimate n. An upper limitation on some positive quantity.
INTIMACYintimacy n. (Uncountable, countable) Feeling or atmosphere of closeness and openness towards someone else, not necessarily…
intimacy n. (Countable) Intimate relationship.
intimacy n. (Countable, especially plural) Intimate detail, (item of) intimate information.
INTIMATEintimate adj. Closely acquainted; familiar.
intimate adj. Of or involved in a sexual relationship.
intimate adj. Personal; private.
OPTIMATEoptimate n. (Historical) A member of the patrician ruling class in republican Ancient Rome; an aristocrat, a noble.
OPTIMATE n. a member of the aristocracy.
SEPTIMALseptimal adj. Relating to the number seven.
SEPTIMAL adj. relating to seven.
TIMARAUStimaraus n. Plural of timarau.
TIMARAU n. (Tagalog) a small buffalo of the Philippines, also TAMARAU, TAMARAO.
TIMARIOTTimariot n. (Historical) A soldier of the Turkish feudal militia, who received a timar.
TIMARIOT n. (historical) a Turkish feudal militiaman.
ULTIMACYultimacy n. The condition of being ultimate.
ULTIMACY n. the state of being ultimate.
ULTIMATAultimata n. Plural of ultimatum.
ULTIMATUM n. (Latin) a last offer, or demand.
ULTIMATEultimate adj. Final; last in a series.
ultimate adj. (Of a syllable) Last in a word or other utterance.
ultimate adj. Being the greatest possible; maximum; most extreme.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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