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There are 14 eight-letter words containing THOU

ALTHOUGHalthough conj. Though, even though, in spite of or despite the fact that: introducing a clause that expresses a concession.
although conj. But, except.
ALTHOUGH conj. despite the fact that.
APHTHOUSaphthous adj. (Pathology) Of, or relating to aphtha.
APHTHOUS adj. pertaining to, or caused by, aphthae; as, aphthous ulcers.
ARTHOUSEarthouse n. Alternative spelling of art house.
art-house n. Alternative form of art house.
art␣house n. A cinema that shows art films and foreign films which are not widely distributed.
CATHOUSEcathouse n. (US, slang) A brothel.
cathouse n. (Literally) Any small house, structure or fold used to house a cat.
cat-house n. Alternative spelling of cathouse.
HOTHOUSEhothouse n. A heated greenhouse.
hothouse n. (Figurative) An environment in which growth or development is encouraged naturally or artificially; a hotbed.
hothouse n. (Obsolete) A bagnio, or bathing house; a brothel.
NUTHOUSEnuthouse n. (Informal, offensive) A hospital for the mentally ill.
nut-house n. Alternative form of nuthouse.
nut␣house n. Alternative form of nuthouse.
OUTHOUSEouthouse n. (North America) An outbuilding, typically permanent, containing a toilet or seat over a cesspit.
outhouse n. (Dated) Any outbuilding: any small structure located apart from a main building.
outhouse v. (Transitive) To house in a separate building.
POTHOUSEpothouse n. Alternative spelling of pot-house.
pot-house n. A pub; a tavern.
POTHOUSE n. an alehouse.
RATHOUSERATHOUSE n. (Australian slang) a mental asylum.
THOUGHTSthoughts n. Plural of thought.
THOUGHT n. a product of thinking.
THOUSANDthousand num. A numerical value equal to 1,000 = 10 × 100 = 103.
thousand n. (International standards) NATO, ICAO, ITU & IMO phonetic alphabet code for thousand.
Thousand n. Alternative letter-case form of thousand of the ICAO/NATO radiotelephony alphabet.
WATTHOURwatthour n. Alternative form of watt-hour.
watt-hour n. A unit of electrical energy equal to the power of one watt in use for one hour; often used as a unit…
WATTHOUR n. a unit of energy.
WITHOUTSWITHOUT n. an exterior place.
XANTHOUSxanthous adj. Yellow-brown; yolk-colored.
xanthous adj. (Archaic, ethnology) Pertaining to people with yellowish, red, auburn, or brown hair.
XANTHOUS adj. yellow- or red-haired; yellow-skinned.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 39 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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