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There are 14 eight-letter words containing TENA

ANTENATIantenati n. Those born before a certain event, such as the Union of England and Scotland Act 1603 or the United…
ANTENATI n. (Latin) those born before a certain time.
CATENANEcatenane n. (Organic chemistry) Any compound, especially a hydrocarbon, having two or more rings interconnected…
CATENANE n. a chemical compound having molecules linked like a chain.
CATENARYcatenary adj. Relating to a chain; like a chain.
catenary adj. Relating to a catena.
catenary n. (Geometry) The curve described by a flexible chain or a rope if it is supported at each end and is acted…
CATENATEcatenate v. To connect things together, especially to form a chain.
CATENATE v. to link together.
COTENANTcotenant n. (Property law) A person who shares a tenancy with another; a co-owner of an interest in property.
COTENANT n. a joint tenant.
NORTENASnorteñas n. Plural of norteña.
NORTENA n. (Spanish) among Latin Americans, a female North American.
SETENANTsetenant n. Alternative form of se-tenant.
se-tenant n. (Philately) A set of postage stamps with differing values, colours, etc, but printed on the same sheet.
SETENANT n. (French) in philately, two or more stamps joined together in an unsevered block of which at least one differs in design and value from the others.
TENACITYtenacity n. The quality or state of being tenacious, or persistence of purpose; tenaciousness.
tenacity n. The quality of bodies which keeps them from parting without considerable force, as distinguished from…
tenacity n. The effect of this attraction, cohesiveness.
TENACULAtenacula n. Plural of tenaculum.
TENACULUM n. (Latin) a surgical hook or forceps.
TENAILLEtenaille n. (Military, historical) An outwork in the main ditch of a fortification, in front of the curtain, between two bastions.
TENAILLE n. (French) an outwork in a main fortification ditch, also TENAIL.
TENANTEDtenanted v. Simple past tense and past participle of tenant.
TENANT v. to occupy as tenant.
TENANTRYtenantry n. The state or act of being a tenant.
tenantry n. The body of tenants on an estate.
TENANTRY n. the temporary occupancy of something that belongs to another, also TENANCY.
TUTENAGSTUTENAG n. (Marathi) an alloy of zinc, copper etc.
UNTENANTuntenant v. (Transitive) To remove a tenant from.
UNTENANT v. to deprive of a tenant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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