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There are 20 eight-letter words containing TARD

BASTARDSbastards n. Plural of bastard.
Bastards prop.n. Plural of Bastard.
BASTARD n. a child whose parents are not married to each other.
BASTARDYbastardy n. (Law) The condition of being illegitimate, of being born to an unmarried woman and man or as the fruit of adultery.
BASTARDY n. the state of being a bastard.
BUSTARDSbustards n. Plural of bustard.
BUSTARD n. any bird of the genus Otis, resembling cranes.
COSTARDScostards n. Plural of costard.
COSTARD n. an apple, large and round like the head.
CUSTARDScustards n. Plural of custard.
Custards prop.n. Plural of Custard.
CUSTARD n. a mixture of milk, eggs, etc., sweetened or seasoned, thickened with cornflour and poured over puddings.
CUSTARDYcustardy adj. Containing custard.
custardy adj. Resembling or characteristic of custard in taste, texture, etc.
CUSTARDY adj. pertaining to custard.
DASTARDSdastards n. Plural of dastard.
DASTARD n. a base coward.
DASTARDYdastardy n. Base timidity; cowardliness.
DASTARDY n. despicable behaviour.
DOTARDLYdotardly adj. Like a dotard; foolish and weak.
DOTARDLY adj. like a dotard, one in his dotage.
LEOTARDSleotards n. Plural of leotard.
LEOTARD n. a skintight garment worn by dancers, acrobats, etc.
MUSTARDSmustards n. Plural of mustard.
Mustards prop.n. Plural of Mustard.
MUSTARD n. a pungent condiment prepared from the seeds of the mustard plant.
MUSTARDYmustardy adj. Resembling or characteristic of mustard.
MUSTARDY adj. like mustard.
RETARDEDretarded adj. Delayed; delayed in development, hindered; impeded.
retarded adj. (Psychology, now offensive, dated) Having mental retardation; mentally deficient or underdeveloped.
retarded adj. (Psychology, now offensive, dated) Specifically, having an IQ below 70.
RETARDERretarder n. Something which retards or slows.
retarder n. (Mechanical engineering) A device for slowing down large trucks, lorries, buses, shunted railway wagons.
retarder n. (Baking) A refrigerator used to slow down proofing of yeast when making dough.
STARDOMSstardoms n. Plural of stardom.
STARDOM n. the status of a top performer.
STARDUSTstardust n. (Astronomy).
stardust n. (Figuratively).
STARDUST n. cosmic dust, meteoric matter in fine particles.
TARDIESTtardiest adj. Superlative form of tardy: most tardy.
TARDY adj. late.
TARDYINGTARDY v. (Shakespeare) to retard.
TARDYONStardyons n. Plural of tardyon.
TARDYON n. a subatomic particle that travels slower than the speed of light.
UNITARDSunitards n. Plural of unitard.
UNITARD n. a leotard that also covers the legs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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