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There are 11 eight-letter words containing TANA

CURTANAScurtanas n. Plural of curtana.
CURTANA n. a sword without a point, symbolic of mercy.
LANTANASlantanas n. Plural of lantana.
LANTANA n. a tropical shrub of the vervain family.
POSTANALpostanal adj. (Anatomy) Situated behind, or posterior to, the anus.
POSTANAL adj. situated behind the anus.
SULTANASsultanas n. Plural of sultana.
Sultanas prop.n. Plural of Sultana.
SULTANA n. a small, pale, seedless raisin.
TANADARStanadars n. Plural of tanadar.
TANADAR n. (Hindi) an officer in charge of a tana, a police station, also THANADAR.
TANAGERStanagers n. Plural of tanager.
TANAGER n. (Tupi) a brightly-coloured South American bird.
TANAGRASTanagras n. Plural of Tanagra.
TANAGRA n. a kind of terracotta figurine.
TANAISTETánaiste prop.n. The Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Ireland.
TANAISTE n. (Irish) in Irish politics, the vice-Taoiseach or deputy prime minister of the Republic of Ireland.
TARTANAStartanas n. Plural of tartana.
TARTANA n. a Mediterranean sailing vessel, also TARTANE.
TITANATEtitanate n. (Chemistry) any salt (or ester) of titanic acid.
TITANATE n. a salt of titanic acid.
VENTANASVENTANA n. (Spanish) a window.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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