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There are 13 eight-letter words containing TALE

CROTALEScrotales n. Plural of crotale.
CROTALE n. a small cymbal.
DAYTALERDAYTALER n. a day-labourer, also DATALLER.
DAYTALESDAYTALE n. reckoning by the day, esp. of work or wages, also DATAL.
FOLKTALEfolktale n. A tale or story that is part of the oral tradition of a people or a place.
folk␣tale n. Alternative spelling of folktale.
FOLKTALE n. a tale from the oral tradition of a people.
PANTALETpantalet n. One of the legs of the loose drawers formerly worn by children and women; especially the lower part…
PANTALET n. long underpants trimmed with ruffles.
PORTALEDportaled v. Simple past tense and past participle of portal.
PORTALED adj. having a portal.
SCYTALESscytales n. Plural of scytale.
SCYTALE n. (Greek) a Spartan form of secret writing on a strip wound round a stick.
TALEGGIOtaleggio n. A soft Italian cheese from Lombardy.
TALEGGIO n. (Italian) a soft creamy cheese.
TALENTEDtalented adj. Endowed with one or more talents.
TALENTED adj. having a talent.
TALESMANtalesman n. (Obsolete) The (male) author or relater of a tale; storyteller.
talesman n. (Law) Someone summoned to a jury when a tales is awarded, to make up numbers.
TALESMAN n. a bystander chosen to make up a deficiency in a jury.
TALESMENtalesmen n. Plural of talesman.
TALESMAN n. a bystander chosen to make up a deficiency in a jury.
TALEYSIMtaleysim n. Plural of tales.
TALLITH n. (Hebrew) a Jewish prayer shawl, also TALLIS, TALLIT.
TELLTALEtelltale n. One who divulges private information with intent to hurt others.
telltale n. (UK, US, slang) Tattletale; squealer.
telltale n. An indicator, such as a warning light, that serves to warn of a hazard or problem.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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