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There are 16 seven-letter words containing TYPE

BIOTYPEbiotype n. (Genetics) A group of organisms having the same specific genotype.
biotype v. To sort, arrange of classify into such groups.
BIOTYPE n. a set of organisms having the same genetic constitution.
COTYPEScotypes n. Plural of cotype.
COTYPE n. a taxonomic type.
ECOTYPEecotype n. (Ecology) A phenotype that is adapted to a specific environment.
ECOTYPE n. a group of organisms which have adapted to a particular environment and so have become different from other groups within the species.
ECTYPESectypes n. Plural of ectype.
ECTYPE n. a reproduction or copy.
ISOTYPEisotype n. (Immunology) A marker corresponding to an antigen found in all members of a subclass of a specific class…
isotype n. (Botany, taxonomy) A duplicate specimen of the holotype, from the same genetic individual.
ISOTYPE n. in taxonomy, a duplicate of the holotype, a specimen made from the same collection as the holotype.
MISTYPEmistype v. To type incorrectly, introducing spelling mistakes or other errors.
mistype v. To categorize incorrectly.
MISTYPE v. to type incorrectly.
NEOTYPEneotype n. (Taxonomy) A new specimen of a previously described species which, in order to maintain nomenclatural…
NEOTYPE n. a specimen selected to serve as the nomenclatural type as long as the original material is missing.
PRETYPEpretype v. (Transitive) To type in advance.
PRETYPE v. to type beforehand.
RETYPEDretyped v. Simple past tense and past participle of retype.
RETYPE v. to type again.
RETYPESretypes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of retype.
RETYPE v. to type again.
SUBTYPEsubtype n. A group of specific things within a larger, more general group.
subtype n. (Computing) The data type represented by a subclass.
subtype v. To categorise as a subtype.
SYNTYPEsyntype n. (Taxonomy) Any one of two or more specimens specified in the description of a species (or lower-order…
SYNTYPE n. each of a set of type specimens on which the name of a new species is based.
TINTYPEtintype n. An early, remarkably durable form of photograph (technically a photographic negative), printed on a…
tintype v. (Transitive) To produce a tintype image of.
TINTYPE n. a colloquial name for ferrotype, a photographic picture taken on an iron plate by a collodion process.
TYPEBARtypebar n. In some typewriters, an arm actuated by pressing the keys that carried the type to strike the ribbon to form a letter.
type␣bar n. (Printing, historical) A line of type cast in one piece, as in a linotype or typograph.
TYPEBAR n. a part of a typewriter.
TYPESETtypeset v. (Transitive) to set or compose written material into type.
typeset v. (Intransitive) to be set or composed into type.
typeset adj. (Of text) Set in type.
ZOOTYPEzootype n. (Biology) A proposed archetype of the form of all animals, based not on a shared body plan but on conserved…
zootype n. (Symbology) An animal totem; an animal (or animal figure) that is taken as symbolic of a deeper abstraction.
ZOOTYPE n. an animal serving as a type.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 39 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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