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There are 15 seven-letter words containing TRAS

CONTRAScontras n. Plural of contra.
Contras n. Plural of Contra.
CONTRA n. (Latin) a Nicaraguan revolutionary.
FOOTRASFOOTRA n. (Shakespeare) a worthless fellow, also FOUTER, FOUTRA, FOUTRE.
FOUTRASFOUTRA n. (Shakespeare) a worthless fellow, also FOOTRA, FOUTER, FOUTRE.
GYTRASHgytrash n. (Mythology) A legendary black dog (or sometimes a horse or mule) said to haunt lonely roads in northern…
GYTRASH n. (dialect) a ghost or apparition.
MANTRASmantras n. Plural of mantra.
MANTRA n. (Sanskrit) a sacred word or syllable, also MANTRAM.
MATRASSmatrass n. (Obsolete) A bolt for a crossbow.
matrass n. (Now rare) A type of bolthead flask used in chemical distillation.
MATRASS n. a long-necked round-bodied chemical flask, used for distilling, also MATTRASS.
OSETRASOSETRA n. (Russian) a type of caviar, also OSSETRA.
RISTRASristras n. Plural of ristra.
RISTRA n. a string of dried chili peppers.
SASTRASSastras n. Plural of Sastra.
SASTRA n. (Sanskrit) any of the sacred writings of Hinduism, also SHASTER, SHASTRA.
TANTRAStantras n. Plural of tantra.
TANTRA n. (Sanskrit) a class of Hindu religious writings.
TRASHEDtrashed v. Simple past tense and past participle of trash.
trashed adj. (Slang) drunk.
TRASH v. to wreck or vandalize.
TRASHERtrasher n. One who trashes something.
TRASHER n. one that destroys or damages.
TRASHEStrashes n. Plural of trash.
trashes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of trash.
TRASH v. to wreck or vandalize.
TRASSEStrasses n. Plural of trass.
TRASS n. (Dutch) an earthy volcanic tuff used as a hydraulic cement, also TARRAS, TERRAS.
YANTRASyantras n. Plural of yantra.
YANTRA n. (Sanskrit) a geometrical diagram used in meditation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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