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There are 19 seven-letter words containing TOUR

ACATOURacatour n. (Historical or obsolete) The member of a large household responsible for buying provisions; provisioner.
ACATOUR n. (obsolete) an officer who buys provisions; a chandler, also ACATER.
BITTOURbittour n. (Obsolete) A bittern (bird).
BITTOUR n. (Spenser) the bittern, also BITTERN, BITTOR, BITTUR.
CONTOURcontour n. An outline, boundary or border, usually of curved shape.
contour n. A line on a map or chart delineating those points which have the same altitude or other plotted quantity…
contour n. (Linguistics) a speech sound which behaves as a single segment, but which makes an internal transition…
DETOURSdetours n. Plural of detour.
detours v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of detour.
DETOUR v. to take an indirect route.
DORTOURdortour n. Alternative form of dorter.
DORTOUR n. (archaic) a dormitory, also DORTER.
ECOTOURecotour n. A vacation tour or package that showcases ecology (Wildlife, etc.) or is ecologically friendly.
ECOTOUR v. to go on a tour with an ecological purpose.
ETOURDIETOURDI adj. (French) foolish, thoughtless (of a male).
FAITOURfaitour n. (Archaic) A charlatan or imposter, especially one pretending to be ill, or to tell fortunes.
FAITOUR n. an imposter, also FAITOR.
RETOURSretours n. Plural of retour.
RETOUR v. to confirm as heir.
SANTOURsantour n. Alternative form of santur.
SANTOUR n. (Arabic) an Eastern dulcimer, also SANTIR, SANTOOR, SANTUR.
STOURESSTOURE n. (archaic) tumult, disturbance, also STOOR, STOUR, STOWRE, STURE.
STOURIESTOURIE adj. (Scots) dusty, also STOURY.
TOURACOtouraco n. Alternative form of turaco.
TOURACO n. an African bird, also TURACO, TURACOU.
TOURERStourers n. Plural of tourer.
TOURER n. a large, open automobile.
TOURIESTOURIE n. (Scots) a small heap, a knob of hair, also TOORIE.
TOURINGtouring adj. Working for a short time in different places.
touring adj. Intended for a journey through a country or a region, related to tourism.
touring v. Present participle of tour.
TOURISMtourism n. The act of travelling or sightseeing, particularly away from one’s home.
tourism n. The industry in which such travels and sightseeing are organized.
tourism n. (Figurative) The act of visiting another region or jurisdiction for a particular purpose.
TOURISTtourist n. Someone who travels for pleasure rather than for business.
tourist n. (Derogatory) One who visits a place or attends a social event out of curiosity, wanting to watch without…
tourist n. (Sports, informal) A member of the visiting team in a match.
TOURNEYtourney n. Tournament.
tourney v. (Archaic) To take part in a tournament.
TOURNEY v. to compete in a tournament.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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