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There are 6 seven-letter words containing TITI

NOTITIAnotitia n. A roll, list, or register: a catalogue of public functionaries, with their districts: a list of episcopal sees.
NOTITIA n. (Latin) a roll, list or register.
OUSTITIoustiti n. (Archaic) A marmoset.
oustiti n. A tool for opening a locked door by turning an inner key from the outside.
OUSTITI n. (French) a lock-opening tool.
PENTITIpentiti n. Plural of pentito.
PENTITO n. (Italian) in Italy, a Mafia criminal who has become a police informer.
PETITIOPETITIO n. a short form of petitio principii, a form of fallacious reasoning in which the conclusion has been assumed in the premises; begging the question.
TITIANStitians n. Plural of titian.
TITIAN n. a reddish-brown colour.
WISTITIwistiti n. (Dated) A marmoset, principally in family Callitrichidae.
WISTITI n. (French) a marmoset, also OUISTITI.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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