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There are 10 seven-letter words containing TARE

CENTAREcentare n. A measure of area: one hundredth of an are, or one square meter.
CENTARE n. a measure of land area, also CENTIARE.
HECTAREhectare n. A unit of surface area (symbol ha) equal to 100 ares (that is, 10,000 square metres, one hundredth of…
HECTARE n. a measure of area, 100 ares or 10000 square metres, also HEKTARE.
HEKTAREhektare n. Dated form of hectare.
HEKTARE n. a measure of area, 100 ares or 10000 square metres, also HECTARE.
KOTARESKOTARE n. (Maori) a small greenish-blue kingfisher found in New Zealand.
LAETARELAETARE n. (Latin) the fourth Sunday in Lent.
STARERSstarers n. Plural of starer.
STARER n. one who stares.
STARETSstarets n. An elder of a monastery in the Russian Orthodox Church who functions as an adviser and teacher.
STARETS n. (Russian) a spiritual adviser in the Eastern Orthodox Church, also STARETZ.
STARETZstaretz n. Alternative form of starets.
STARETZ n. (Russian) an Eastern Orthodox spiritual advisor, also STARETS.
TARTAREtartare adj. Chopped fine and served raw.
tartare n. A foodstuff chopped fine and served raw.
TARTARE n. (French) a mayonnaise dressing.
UPSTAREupstare v. (Intransitive) To stare or stand erect or on end; be erect or conspicuous; bristle.
UPSTARE v. to stare upward.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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