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There are 12 seven-letter words containing TAPE

MIXTAPEmixtape n. (Music) A compilation of songs on a tape, usually encompassing many different artists and assembled…
mix␣tape n. Alternative spelling of mixtape.
MIXTAPE n. a compilation of songs from various sources.
PRETAPEpretape v. To tape in advance.
PRETAPE v. to tape beforehand.
RETAPEDretaped v. Simple past tense and past participle of retape.
RETAPE v. to tape again.
RETAPESretapes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of retape.
RETAPE v. to tape again.
TAPEREDtapered v. Simple past tense and past participle of taper.
tapered adj. Narrowing gradually towards a point.
tapered adj. (Obsolete) Lit with a taper.
TAPERERtaperer n. A person who carries a taper in a religious service.
TAPERER n. one who carries a candle in a religious procession.
TAPETALtapetal adj. Relating to a tapetum.
TAPETAL adj. relating to the tapetum, a reflective layer of the choroid in the eyes of many animals.
TAPETEDTAPET v. (Spenser) to decorate with tapestries.
TAPETIStapetis n. Plural of tapeti.
TAPETI n. (Tupi) a small South American hare.
TAPETUMtapetum n. (Anatomy) A membranous layer of tissue.
tapetum n. (Anatomy) The pigmentary layer of the retina.
tapetum n. (Botany) The cells on the outside of an archesporium.
WATAPESWATAPE n. (Native American) a fibre or thread made by some North American Indian peoples from the split roots of conifers, esp. white spruce, also WATAP, WATTAPE.
WATTAPEwattape n. Alternative form of watap.
WATTAPE n. (Native American) a fibre or thread made by some North American Indian peoples from the split roots of conifers, esp. white spruce, also WATAP, WATAPE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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