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There are 17 six-letter words containing TRIC

CITRICcitric adj. Of, pertaining to, or derived from, citrus fruit.
CITRIC adj. derived from citrus fruit.
IATRICiatric adj. Of or pertaining to a physician or physicians.
-iatric suff. Of or relating to a physician.
-iatric suff. Pertaining to a particular branch of medicine.
MATRICmatric n. (South Africa) The final year of high school.
matric n. (South Africa) Someone in their final year of high school.
matric adj. (Mathematics) Of or pertaining to matrices.
METRICmetric adj. Of or relating to the metric system of measurement.
metric adj. (Music) Of or relating to the meter of a piece of music.
metric adj. (Mathematics, physics) Of or relating to distance.
NITRICnitric adj. Of, pertaining to, or containing, nitrogen.
nitric n. Nitric acid.
NITRIC adj. containing nitrogen.
STRICHstrich n. (Obsolete) An owl.
STRICH n. (archaic) the screech-owl.
STRICKstrick n. A flat piece of wood used for levelling off grain in a measure; a strickle.
strick n. A bushel measure.
strick n. A bunch of hackled flax prepared for drawing into slivers.
STRICTstrict adj. Strained; drawn close; tight.
strict adj. Tense; not relaxed.
strict adj. Exact; accurate; precise; rigorously particular.
TRICARtricar n. Three-wheeler; motor vehicle with three wheels.
TRICAR n. a three-wheeled car.
TRICEDtriced v. Simple past tense and past participle of trice.
TRICE v. to haul up with a rope.
TRICEPtricep n. (Nonstandard) A triceps.
TRICEP n. an arm muscle, also TRICEPS.
TRICEStrices n. Plural of trice.
trices v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of trice.
Trices prop.n. Plural of Trice.
TRICKStricks n. Plural of trick.
tricks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of trick.
TRICK v. to deceive.
TRICKYtricky adj. Hard to deal with, complicated.
tricky adj. Adept at using deception.
tricky adj. (Colloquial, slang) Relating to or associated with a prostitution trick.
TRICOTtricot n. A soft knit fabric.
TRICOT n. (French) a plain knitted silk or woollen fabric.
VITRICvitric adj. Glassy; vitreous.
VITRIC adj. pertaining to glass.
YTTRICyttric adj. Of or pertaining to yttrium.
YTTRIC adj. (Swedish) pertaining to, derived from, or containing, yttrium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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