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There are 6 six-letter words containing TREE

ENTREEentree n. Alternative form of entrée.
entrée n. (Chiefly Britain, French Canada, Australia, New Zealand, historical in the US and Canada) A smaller…
entrée n. (Chiefly US, Canada) The main course or main dish of a meal.
RETREEretree n. (Paper-making) broken or imperfect paper.
RETREE n. in papermaking, damaged or defective sheets of paper.
STREEKstreek v. (Archaic, dialect, UK, Scotland, transitive) To stretch.
streek v. (Archaic, dialect, UK, Scotland, transitive) To lay out, as a dead body.
STREEK v. to stretch; also, to lay out, as a dead body.
STREELstreel n. A disreputable woman, a slut.
streel v. (Colloquial) To trail along; to saunter or be drawn along, carelessly, swaying in a kind of zigzag motion.
STREEL v. (Irish) to trail, stream.
STREETstreet n. A paved part of road, usually in a village or a town.
street n. A road as above, but including the sidewalks (pavements) and buildings.
street n. (Specifically, US) The roads that run perpendicular to avenues in a grid layout.
TREENStreens n. Plural of treen.
Treens prop.n. Plural of Treen.
TREEN n. cups, dishes etc. made of wood, also TREENWARE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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